Thank you to the many individuals, foundations, corporations, and companies who generously contribute to sustain Opening Act’s programs!
Angelo Family Charitable Foundation
Arthur Miller Foundation
Axe-Houghton Foundation
Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS
Find Your Light Foundation
Jean P. Wade Fund/Akron Community Foundation
The Keith Haring Foundation
The Lotos Foundation
The Page and Otto Marx, Jr. Foundation
Pinkerton Foundation
The Morris and Alma Schapiro Fund
Adolph and Ruth Schnurmacher Foundation
Scripps Family Fund for Education and the Arts
Shippy Foundation
Beth M. Uffner Arts Fund/The New York Community Trust
Sidney J. Weinberg, Jr. Foundation
William T. Grant Foundation
Youth INC
Warner Bros. Discovery
First Republic Bank
Shishi Boutique
Whole Foods
Max Mara
Opening Act is supported, in part, by public funds from The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in Partnership with the City Council. Opening Act’s programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.
Opening Act is grateful for the special support of the NYS Senate for our general operations in 2024.
Opening Act is grateful for the extraordinary support of the Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso and Anthony Ramos who are partnering to provide two years of funding for our program in 2025 and 2026 at the Bushwick Campus.
Justin Abelow, Brittany Adebumola, Chitra Aiyar, Cecilia Allen, Deidre Alley, Brandon Allmon-Jackson, Evelyn Alvarez, Adam Ames, Angelo Gordon Foundation, Brian Ansell, Jo Anthony, Jill Apple, James Apostolico, Gregg Arst, Erika Atkins, Jennifer Auer, Joshua Baerwald, Sara Baerwald, Trinity Bailey, Larry Bao, Leah Barnet, Ken Barnett, Cynthia Barron, Jason Bassett, Willem Beer, Charles Beggs, Andrea Berlin, Robin Bernstein, Michael Berry, Charlotte Bertz, Stacy Bess, Brian Bisesi, Renee Bishop, Katrina Blanchard, Kym Blanchard, Tonya Blanchard, Loren Black, Susan Blank, Alison Bogdonoff, Daniele Boucher, Andric Bowen, Katie Braden, Emma Brink, Mindy Brooks, Sean Burke, Melissa Burnazian, Julienne Camhi, Neil Camhi, Elizabeth Campbell, Louis Cancelmi, Diane Egan Carr, Geneva Carr, Marjorie J. Carter, Moana Casanova, Kealan Casey, Paul Cellupica, Tom and Ruth Cellupica, Randall Chafetz, Yanyou Chai, Angie Chang, Rishali Chaplot, Lual Charles, Molly Chase, Albert Chen, Alan Chiang, Suzanne Chisholm, Angie Cho, Shira Citron, Nancy Clarke, Geraldine Cody, Clayton Cogswell, Josh Cogswell, Michelle Cogswell, Patrick Colimon, Tonia Coll, Nancy Comerford, Linda Conaway, Peter Concilio, Rosanna Concilo, Tom Conigliaro, Michele Coyne, Jason and Bethany Crystal, Noelia de la Cruz, Lisa Davis, Tory Davidson, Robert Day, Leslie Day, Nancy Day, Patricia Decker, Aisling Delaney, Elizabeth Dettke, Will Devary, Leander Dolphin, Corinne Donly, Alex Driessen, Marcy Drogin, Aubrey Duenas, Christine M. Duenas, Amy Dziewiontkowski, Donna Edbril, Marc Ehrlich, Peter Elkins, Ralph Elsegood, Lehina Emmanuel, Emily Epstein, Jackie Eustis, Piglet Eustis, Sarah Fabiny, Brendan and Christine Farrell, Esther Feierman, Victoria Ferenbach, Jill Fink, Lynn Findlay, Kaitlin Fine, Fisher Family Charitable Fund, Nicole Fishstein, Jen Fleckner, Michael Fleming, Claire Florian, Amanda Foote, Aimee Frankel, Sarah Frankel, Gregory Frye, Stacy Fuelle, Floria Fung, Kristin Furfaro, Christopher Gabriel, Aaron Gannon, Drew Garrison, John Gedeon, Sara Geer, Lisa Gilbert, John Gilbride, Lucas Gilbride, Kerrie Gillis, Michael Gillman, Stacie Gillman, Sue Gillman, Alison Glickson, Craig Goldberg, Isabelle Gomez, Rasheed Goodlowe, Phyllis Granat, Sari Granat, Elsbeth Grant, Polly Greenberg, Alison Glickson, Abner Greene, Stacy Gregg, Iliana Guibert, Michelle Gulden, Grant and Lara Gund Foundation, Stanley and Cynthia Gutkowski, David Gutkowski, Lourie Gwen, Pam Hacker, Kathryn Hahn, Joseph Harrington, Julia Harris, Othniel Harris, Alison Hayman, Zalika Headley, Derika Hendon, Peter Hermes, Diana Hernandez, Dana Herrman, Nicole Hilaire, Alexander Hill, Glenn Hill, Robert Hill, Virginia Hill, Kassim Hinds, Jeffrey Hira, Andrew Hirsh, Kassidy Hirsh, Kristin Hirst, Sherri Hockfield, Abby Hodes, Terence Hughes, Olukemi Ilesanmi, John Inglesino, Jennifer Jackson, Jennifer Jacobs, Ami Jain, Christopher James, JJ Janikis, Suthipong Jariangrojkul, Shayna Jast, Ashia Johnson, Armani Johnson, Sara Johnson Tamika Johnson, Christine Jones, Jacuqes Jospitre, Stephanie Junger-Moat, Suzanne Jurist, Ali and Dave Kamin, Julia Kamin, Lawrence Kamin, Samuel Kamin, Lisa Katzenstein, Anne Kauffman, Arielle Kaufman, William A. Kawecki, Tricia Keane, Oshadi Kelly, Ingrid Kessler, Jasvinder Khaira, Alyssa Kiefer, Richard Klinghoffer, Josh Krehe, Camryn Kruger, Efrat Kussell, Nicole Kwan, Courtney Laermer, Grace Lam, Kathleen Lathen, Linda Lane, Craig Laraia, Matthew J. LeBlanc, Jeanine Lee, Thomas Lee, Gina Maria Leonetti, Mary Lentowski, Little Island, Jesse Liu, Gary Lofgren, Karin Loretz, Mary Lufen, Carolina Luttmann, Joe Lyga, Katie Lyga, Lan Lyga, Marilyn Lyga, Mary Lyzenga, Youlan Ma, Birgit Maier, Anton Malko, Valerie Mangano, Susan Mann, Christine Manthey, Steve Margolis, Lisa Martin, Andres Martinez, Bill Maslyn, Steven Marangos, Jen Marrus, William Maslyn, Emily Mayekar, The Thomas McCabe Living Trust, Marie Walsh McCarty, Jeffery McCullough, Andrew McElligott, Tharon McEvoy, Allison McFaul, Paul McGinley, Paula McGlarry, John and Adele McGrath, Andrew Mercy, Beth Michelson, Alyssa Michnevitz, Natasha Miller, Collette Mills Hendricks, Lisa Mishkin, Aimee Mitchell, Craig Moffat, Kathy Morgenstern, Juliet Moser, Christian Mullane, Therese Mullaney, Laura Mullaney, Alyssa Murphy, Suzy Myers Jackson, Kathleen Newbern, Jessica Newman, Trevor Newman, Alivia Nuzzo, Julie O’Connell, Anne Marie O’Connor, Kerry O’Donnell, Celia O’Donnell, Susan Oleson, Jane Orr, Grace O’Rourke, Danielle Ortega, Michelle Ortega, Shelley Ortega, Samantha Osborne, Madison Otano, Laura Palantone, Jim Palmer, Annie Parisse, Julie Peacock, Gihan Perera, Theresa Perkins, Herb Perry, LE Phillips Family Foundation, Justine Piehowski, Alexis Pietrangelo, Christine Pluviose, Jeremy Pool, Aislynn Poquette, Simiya Portee, Lindsay Porter, Sandra Potasky, Anastasia Pronin, Alexander Pronin, Nicholas Pronin, Tana Prosper, Lauria Rapaport, Charles Rea, Domonique Reed, Koriszan Reese, Francisco Restrepo, Jason Rich, Brooke Richie-Babbage, John A. and Judith A. Riggs Fund, Paula Rizzo, Sara Roberts, Carlos Rodríguez Flores, Giao Roever, Tamila Romeis, Sveva Rosati, Katy Rubin, Claire Ryan, Julia Samton, Tyler Sandler, Amorarey Sandoz, Theodore Schaefer, Tracy Schlachter, Will Schlough, Helaine Schmier, Mark Schneider, Wendy Schneirow, Alyson Schoenfeldt, Jonathan Schorr, Ira Schreck, Anne Schwab, Cynthia Schwab, David Schwab, Marian Schwartz, Michele Schwartz, Lisa Scott, Christine Searl, Holly Seigel, Jaimie Selke, Rishabh Sen Gupta, Michael Sennott, Naz Shams, Reid Shankweiler, Joseph Shayne, Wesley Shi, Sarah Silverio, Michael Silverman, Allyson Silverman, Kelly and Jim Simon, Nancy Situ Paterson, Katherine Sperling, Howard Spumberg, Janelle Sohner, Amy Staub, Brian Staub, Deborah Steinglass, James Stephani, Bert Stern, Katie Storer, Sharon Stulberg, Vanessa Stoloff, Mary Swartz, Kimara Targoff, Marina Tempelsman, Paul Tena, Michelle Tennant, Lewis Tepper, Alicia Thomas, Travis Thornell, Annie Tirschwell, Arthur Troast, Jamie Trowbridge, Mandisa Turner, Joan Ulloa, Katherine Upham, The Upside Bar, Ayala Usdin, Justin Van Denend, Daria VanHorn, Leah Day and Greg VanHorn, Robert VanHorn, Diana Varco, Patrick Vassel, Robyne Walker, Nicole Walsh, Caroline Wang, Cynthia Weber, Meg Weber, Ian Weinberger, Erica Weir, Genevieve West, Brittany Wetreich, Chris and Kim Wilkens, Prasana Willian, Wilshire Corridor, Regina Windsor, Wanda Witherspoon, Hana and Rob Wolf, Amy Wolfe, Mallory Woods, Susan Woodward, Kaori Yazawa, Nicole Yun, Carol Zimmer.
Karina revels in the moment post-performance. Photo by JG.
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